Tacho Manager is the basic and most important part of whole Truckcontroller Ecosystem. After many years of cooperation between lawyers and mathematicians we are offering product that analyzes all the digital files from the driver card and from the tachograph.
It might be used for storage but most important for analysis of driver and vehicle files.
Once the files are upload in the system You will get:
Whole fleet report
Optimization and analysis of the driver efficiency
Individual Driver and Vehicle Reports
Analysis for Police inspections
You may request a detailed Forensic analysis of accidents
Journey planner with graphics: how to drive according to EC Reg 561 and how to avoid unnecessary fines.
Ready to sign Attestation of Activities
Compatibility with GPS app is allowing You to send by chat the journey planner to any other device
Stored files might be use for any other services of Guretruck that are part of Truckcontroller Ecosystem, like: Legal services, Positioning, Registration for MiLog